
ARGfest (and the accompanying Dark Knight screening) is about a week away. I’d really like to be with the rest of you in Boston, but with the new house and budgets being what they are, Kim and I need to be up in Seattle at a bellydance event, not taking a second vacation. (As you … Continue reading ARGfest

Harvey Dent believes in me

In a time where we are constantly getting barraged by political messages about presidential candidates, it is refreshing to receive a package from a candidate running for a less lofty position. In this case, it is Harvey Dent running for District Attorney of Gotham. I am not entirely sure that I live in the correct … Continue reading Harvey Dent believes in me

The Lost String

A curious package arrived yesterday while I was out. I did not hear about it until later in the afternoon, and by that time the house was beginning to get overrun with bellydancers, so the photoset had to wait until today. It was sent from 1920 Olympic Way in San Francisco–a fictional address, but one … Continue reading The Lost String

Professor Layton

I picked up Professor Layton and the Curious Village the other day for the Nintendo DS. It is a great game that I am really enjoying. I almost hate to admit it, but Penny Arcade’s comic commentary on the game is pretty darn accurate. As much as I love puzzles, a good majority of them … Continue reading Professor Layton

A real-life ARG

This story of the search for the owner of a digital camera left in a taxi reads like a real-life ARG. The family who found the camera poured through hundreds of photos and several videos in a search for clues about the people in the photos and the places they visited. Using just those clues, … Continue reading A real-life ARG

Moving pictures with synchronized sound

A few TV/Movie thoughts while I’m waiting on replacement clutch cylinders… To use a quote/show-title from coffejedi, I was pleasantly surprised by the “River Tam Beats Up Everyone” show (also known as “Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles.” I was expecting it to be a crappy SciFi show melded with a crappy action show, but really … Continue reading Moving pictures with synchronized sound

Fly Oceanic

We drove past the Oceanic Airlines billboard in Portland today. It’s on Division at Grand/MLK. Because we had things to do, I was not able to stop and get a picture, but I grabbed the following image from the DarkUFO Lost blog: The link is to, which leads to, the ongoing ARG. The … Continue reading Fly Oceanic


Clothes! The other day, Substitute twittered “Internet + consistent sizing = jeans by mail. Yay.” Usually I buy my pants from the internet (zip-off BDUs from, but yesterday, I picked up a pair of green non-zip-off BDUs from Andy and Bax. In other news, my shirts come from blank apparel, my socks usually come … Continue reading Items!