I wish I was a stranger who wanders down the sky, I wish I was a starship in silence flying by

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2004/02/Good evening! These are my two-tone glasses from Spike and Mike’s that allow me to see in 3D. This is my … Continue reading I wish I was a stranger who wanders down the sky, I wish I was a starship in silence flying by

You lazy sack of bones!

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2004/02/I found a garbage bag full of bones today. It was discarded by the side of a backwaters road, amongst a … Continue reading You lazy sack of bones!

Observations, Clockwork MP3 Player, New Friend

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2004/02/When you have an amateur radio license (and sometimes, even if you don't), you get to recognize certain antennas by their … Continue reading Observations, Clockwork MP3 Player, New Friend

…God kills a Kitten

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2004/02/It seems that Pants, the cutest cat in the world, has been diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). FIP starts out … Continue reading …God kills a Kitten

A Rude Awakening

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/12/This morning, I discovered the best alarm clock ever. It is an alarm clock that wakes you up without having to … Continue reading A Rude Awakening

American Beauty Man’s Friend, Blonde Mullet Wrestler Man

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/03/This morning, I am breakfasting on pancakes and maple syrup. I like maple syrup — real maple, that is, and not … Continue reading American Beauty Man’s Friend, Blonde Mullet Wrestler Man

Text messaging from Portland

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/03/Hello from Portland via text messaging. People are protesting here. People are protesting a lot. They started marching and bicycling down … Continue reading Text messaging from Portland

Covet Thy Neighbor’s Anagrams

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/03/If you ever get the opportunity to turn down a job writing software for companies in Singapore, exercise that option. They … Continue reading Covet Thy Neighbor’s Anagrams

Friends don’t let friends use Microsoft

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2002/12/Last night was Kate's birthday. While it was not a “surprise party” proper, it was certainly a big surprise for her! … Continue reading Friends don’t let friends use Microsoft