My current WordPress plugins

Because I have a friend who is kicking off a new WordPress-powered blog (Hi, Substitute!), I thought I’d list the plugins I use here at  I have a whopping 32 of them, but many are simple single-purpose things that are likely not of general interest.  My plugins can be be broken down into a … Continue reading My current WordPress plugins

XML in Google’s Chrome

The support for viewing XML returned from a server from within Chrome leaves a little to be desired.  Both Firefox and Internet Explorer (and I hate to admit it, but my memory tells me that IE was the first to market with this feature) show XML in an easy-to-deal-with way.  They format it with indenting, … Continue reading XML in Google’s Chrome

Forcing a fixed-in version with the Mantis bug tracker

At the office, we use Mantis, a powerful PHP-based bug tracking system. It offers some great control over process and workflow, but not quite the granularity that I need. Specifically, I work in an environment where it is vital that the “fixed-in” version is filled in when resolving an issue as “fixed.” Without this, there … Continue reading Forcing a fixed-in version with the Mantis bug tracker

The psychology of WordPress upgrades & plugins

WordCamp Portland was last month. Although WordPress 2.8 has made upgrading one-click easy, there was a lot of shared sentiment about upgrades and plugins. These beliefs boil down into two groups and are summarized with the following statements: “I don’t run WordPress with any plugins whatsoever because an upgrade to the core of WordPress could … Continue reading The psychology of WordPress upgrades & plugins

Bookmark Material

I started to write a comment to the post Fear of (bookmark) commitment? Try I Need to Read This over on Silicon Florist, but what I found myself writing started getting longer and longer and I realized I might be better off sharing as a fully hyperlinked blog post. Rick talks about temporarily bookmarking articles … Continue reading Bookmark Material

Google Chrome

Google’s new Chrome web browser looks quite promising. I set up a virtual machine running XP today to test it out. It turns out that it will not run on Win2K (my current virtual machine) and the XP install is from some expired MSDN disc or something and does not have a functional Genuine Windows … Continue reading Google Chrome

My Firefox Plugins

This is mainly for my own reference, although I figured the list could be beneficial to others. These are the plugins and Greasemonkey scripts I am using under Firefox. They’re also documented (and updated) at Adblock Plus @ Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take … Continue reading My Firefox Plugins

First Post!

Welcome to the inaugural post with the new blog setup! I have been meaning to redo for about a year now. Because of stuff I made available there a long, long time ago and never got rid of (namely: BO and BO2K plugins), every web filter declares it to be a mean, bad, nasty, … Continue reading First Post!

Firefox 2, Electric Boogaloo

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at, so I am slowly trying to migrate myself to Firefox 2.0 on the Mac. I have been using it at … Continue reading Firefox 2, Electric Boogaloo