Honeymoon Highlights

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2006/05/The roadtrip-slash-vacation-slash-honeymoon was great. It simultaneously feels like I was gone forever and like the trip was not nearly long enough. … Continue reading Honeymoon Highlights

Greenhouse Pool

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2006/05/Over 50% relative humidity, air temperature must be in the upper 80s. Outside, is is in the 50s to 60s and … Continue reading Greenhouse Pool

Can’t sleep. Cat will eat me.

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2005/06/Today, Ebenezer is in the doghouse…err… cathouse…err… that's something different. So yesterday was a great day, full of fun and adventure. … Continue reading Can’t sleep. Cat will eat me.