Botanical Plaques, Mark 2 & 3

In my last post, I talked about designing a botanical plaque to label trees in the yard. The design had some flaws. It was two pieces epoxied together and most of them broke apart after 6–12 months. I suspect water got in the gap, froze, and helped separate the pieces from the dried epoxy. This … Continue reading Botanical Plaques, Mark 2 & 3

Botanical Plaques, Mark 1

I have a bunch of cool-looking and weird trees at the house. In a notebook somewhere, and elsewhere in a text file, I have a list of their names. And if I’m honest, that’s fine for the one time every couple of years where I want to look up what’s what. If you’ve been to … Continue reading Botanical Plaques, Mark 1

From lines of code to glazed ceramic

This is a followup to a previous post about my “finger cup” 3D model.  I uploaded the 3D model file to Shapeways and received a version printed in ceramic! This heavy chunk of hardened clay started as about 16 lines of code.  I’m not counting comments and the lines that consist of only closing curly-braces, … Continue reading From lines of code to glazed ceramic

More imagery from the 3rd dimension

I made a cat today.  Yes, it’s very roughly constructed and has no tail, but it’s the first real 3D mesh that I have created without following a tutorial.  It also pushed my meager abilities to the limits due to the organic curves and overall shape.  The proportions are a bit off, it’s lacking the … Continue reading More imagery from the 3rd dimension

From atoms to bytes and back again

Last night I went to a belated Winter Solstice party.  It’s a yearly thing with a fun mix of people and a very particular gift-giving tradition.  You are required (or, at least, highly encouraged) to bring something from your life as a gift.  It’s not exactly “white elephant,” but something more symbolic.  What you bring … Continue reading From atoms to bytes and back again

I made a 3D!

In recent weeks, I have slowly been learning to use Blender, the Open Source 3D modeling application.  My ultimate goal is not animation, but 3D printing.  I’d like to design my own objects in bits and bytes, as well as have a better understanding of the object files for download at Thingiverse.  I’d then like … Continue reading I made a 3D!