Pardon our dust -or- Netninja on Thesis

As you can tell by the ubiquitous ’90s-era nontransparent animated shoveler graphic at right, has been under construction this weekend. Everything looks fine now, but this is a warning that there may still be some loose coverplates hiding sparking wires. You see — today, I installed the Thesis theme engine for WordPress. What does … Continue reading Pardon our dust -or- Netninja on Thesis

iPhone: Day 2

iPhone: Day 2 Good news: this incarnation of the iPhone doesn’t have the angry-bees GSM bzzt-bzzt-bzbzbzbzzt in my car stereo that the previous model of iPhone had. I can actually listen to it in the car without having to flip it in and out of airplane mode! Bad news: my car charger (which I rarely … Continue reading iPhone: Day 2

Double-U Tea Eff?!?!

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee … Continue reading Double-U Tea Eff?!?!