Package org.ninjasoft.magiccodes.plugins

Interface Summary
Plugin The plugin interface

Class Summary
AnalyzeFrequency Plugin to analyze letter frequency
Base64Decoder Decodes BASE-64 data
Base64Encoder Encodes data as BASE64
Md5 Plugin for turning something into an MD5 hash
NoOp Plugin to do nothing
RotN Plugin for performing ROT-N on text
TexelCode The Texel code from the MU arg.
VigenereCrypt Vigenere Encryption
VigenereDecrypt Vigenere Decryption
Xor Plugin to compute simple XOR values
XorAnalysis Compute the index of coincidence-related data for XOR ciphers, using the pseudocode: for i is 1 to length(cyphertext) do cyphertext2 = shift(cyphertext,i) for j is 1 to length(cyphertext) do if (cyphertext[i] = cyphertext2[j]) then do counter = counter +1 index = (counter / length(cyphertext)) if index > .4 then do return i (Note: you might have to change .4 to something else depending on your character set.) as described on

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