It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this $NOUN

For the last couple of years, I’ve been using AWS Lambda to make Twitter and Mastodon bots. (Full disclosure: I work for a company that got acquired by Amazon a few years ago.) It’s more reliable than running them on a random box I own (for instance, like I have to do for Video Glitch … Continue reading It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this $NOUN

Building the AdjectiveNounBot on AWS

Long ago, during the wild times of the 2004 internet, I ran a site of web experiments called Adjective Noun. The site’s header had random (but curated) pairings of adjectives with nouns, each coupled with a clever stock photo. Some of my favorites were “Dumb Snowman” (sitting in front of a fire) and “Mysterious Clock” … Continue reading Building the AdjectiveNounBot on AWS

Passwords are like underpants

I saw this tweetstorm fly by on Twitter this morning, mainly from my friend @mink_ette. I wanted to retweet all of them, but refrained from echoing them into my own tweetstorm. Instead, I’ve collated tweets below into a single blog post. It apparently started with a bad simile from Intel. “Passwords are like underpants. Change them … Continue reading Passwords are like underpants

The perils of fake spoilers

The problem with fake spoilers is that, no matter how cliché you may think your idea is, there is still a chance it could turn out to be a real spoiler. Contrary to the popular opinion of most geeks, I am not a fan of Battlestar Galactica. In my mind, it jumped the shark ’round … Continue reading The perils of fake spoilers

Interesting Twitter updates followed by a rant

A few interesting Twitter updates from the past month or two… * Someone needs to invent a Capri-Sun style single-serving wine pouch. * Just got RickRolled by a restaurant Muzak system. * I love how marketing departments say “it tastes earthy” when they mean “it tastes like dirt.” * This town needs an automat. <rant> … Continue reading Interesting Twitter updates followed by a rant