MS Projoket 2000

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at'N ALL: MICROSOFT PROJECT IS A FLAMING PIECE OF SHIT! You probably already knew that. So did I, but I never … Continue reading MS Projoket 2000

“I’ll take ‘Reasons I switched to Mac for $1000,’ Alex!”

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at someone 'splain me I understand it is a place to put your bookmarks. I also understand that “Delicious is … Continue reading “I’ll take ‘Reasons I switched to Mac for $1000,’ Alex!”

“Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.”

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at to those that have seen this on Slashdot or some other news/blog site) According to Microsoft, Windows 98 and Windows … Continue reading “Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.”

This Subject Has Contains Two Verbs

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at't forget to install the Windows Restrictions Management Client v1.0 so that you can be given a serial number and then … Continue reading This Subject Has Contains Two Verbs

“Make The Robot Fuck Something”

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at of you reading this probably already know, but in case you do not: a new Microsoft worm is going around … Continue reading “Make The Robot Fuck Something”

I just put my money where my mouth is

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at years now, I have been ragging on Microsoft. “They suck.” “They are a monopoly.” “They put out products that are … Continue reading I just put my money where my mouth is