Port Fapping

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2005/10/At work, I am doing the design for a feature called “Port Flapping.” This, basically, simulates a certain type of defect … Continue reading Port Fapping

Smarterer Child

Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/06/To riff off of Marm0t's SmarterChild conversation: SmarterChild: Hi BriEnigma, I'm SmarterChild. …trimmed… SmarterChild: That's cool. What's your profession? BriEnigma: jizz … Continue reading Smarterer Child