ARGfest wrap-up

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Back from ARGfest! We got back last night to some very thirsty and lonely kitties. Ebenezer had kicked over all three water bowls earlier and Charlotte, who is used to going outside at will, had some serious cabin fever.

It was a GREAT weekend! Overall, it was a bit tough to balance being a tourist and being an ARG-gamer, considering Kim had not previously been to San Francisco (well, once, but barely left the hotel), so we did have to do a lot of touristy stuff. Yummy crab dinners! Sea lions! Ghiradelli Square! Union square! Cable cars! Streetcars!

It was absolutely AWESOME to meet and/or see-again everyone! It was fun to hand out (and throw and hide) ninjas. The ARG buzzword bingo was a little more ubiquitous than I had imagined (“I have a question for the panel, but first: BINGO!”) The talks were great, although due to lack of sleep and post-lunch-food-coma, I missed the lonelygirl15 panel. Discussing philosophy and physics into the wee hours of the morning with Yanka and Giskard at the combination Indian food restaurant slash irish pub was amazing and surreal. There is no spoon. While there were a lot of people that I did meet, there were also a bunch that I unfortunately did not get the chance to meet. For instance, I think we were sitting next to Varin during the netcast recording but, due to the circumstances, did not get a chance to say “hi.” Also, for some crazy reason (well, because I forgot, which isn’t too crazy), I did not get ANY pictures, so I will likely pillage the group’s Flickr photos.

So anyway, it was a great convention, a great quasi-vacation, and the amount of work that Rose, Sean, et al put into it really shone through. …even Ariock’s Vigenere-ciphered cake *grumble*grubmble* 😉

Posted in: Dear Diary

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