(Intelligent) Live Video Streaming for Protesting

It’s not always the best idea to livestream from a protest directly to social media. There’s good reason to redact the faces of fellow protesters. This guide steps you through setting up a stream to a private location, where a friend can grab the video and redact faces in near-real-time.

G1 is made of grapes

I was in Whole Foods the other night and discovered they had the Google G1 phone! And it was on sale! It was much cheaper than I remember the reported cost being and I did not even have to sign up for a service plan. After bringing it home, I’m starting to wonder if maybe … Continue reading G1 is made of grapes


Is anyone else non-plussed by the gPhone/Android announcements? It seems to me that they’re simply releasing Yet Another Cellphone OS. They’re making a big deal that it’ll be open and interoperable and that anyone–from the basement hobbyist to the corporate programmer–can write apps. Don’t most of the other cellphone OSes (WinCE, Symbian, Palm, Sidekick, and … Continue reading GooPhone


Please note that all blog posts before 8 April 2007 were automatically imported from LiveJournal.  To see the comments and any LiveJournal-specific extras such as polls and user icons, please find the source posting at http://brianenigma.livejournal.com/2003/04/Today, everybody at work noticed that I stapled the staplers to the walls. Also, today nothing is broken. My car had … Continue reading I AM OPPRESSED BY GRAVITY!