Toe-foo, Houses, Internet Mtv, YouTube

First it was spinach, then pet food, and now tofu is being recalled because of poisons. It’s a good thing I have been a carnivore the past few days (MMMmmmmm…. Delta.)

Kim and I have been approved for a rather nice home loan. Woot, woot. We just need to find a house (looking in the Reed/Woodstock area) that works for both us and the loan.

In unrelated news, I find it ironic that former-Mtv-veejay Adam Curry’s company Podshow now has an internet TV “channel” called The Plus that is effectively what Mtv was back when they actually played videos and not reality shows (or whatever they’re playing now… I don’t know, I haven’t had cable in 8 years.) While the music in the videos (that I’ve seen) is not quite my style and the advertising is a bit heavy at times, I think it’s a pretty cool idea. Indie musicians plus amateur filmmakers equals something that is simultaneously disruptive to both the RIAA and MPAA. Anything that makes those guys shake in their boots is fine by me. I’m not so sure about it being 100% streaming, as it limits my ability to watch (1. AppleTV or Mac Mini hooked to the TV is a better viewing environment than a computer and 2. work is high-security enough that streaming is blocked, although iPods/iPhones are okay.)

Lastly… if a real-life business meeting was, instead, YouTube comments.


(video via 43 Folders)

Posted in: Dear Diary Food

2 thoughts on “Toe-foo, Houses, Internet Mtv, YouTube”

  1. …what Mtv was back when they actually played videos and not reality shows (or whatever they’re playing now… I don’t know, I haven’t had cable in 8 years.)

    I was actually watching MTV a little yesterday (So You Think You Can Dance? – another reality show) and they kept showing ads for a new show that they kept calling a “scripted drama.”

    Aka Dynasty except Linda Evans is now a teen girl rock star.

  2. I wonder if Mtv has a “mission statement” or other such stated purpose and if “scripted drama” would really fall into that. The use of the word “scripted” before drama, on the one hand, feels redundant to me (isn’t that what drama shows are?), but when I think about it more, I guess it’s to distinguish itself from what is becoming the TV norm of reality show drama.

    The more I hear water cooler talk and internet talk of current TV shows, the more happy and satisfied I am with my TV coming from DVDs and iTunes. (…and BitTorrent when necessary, but we won’t mention that…)

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