Crapaccino for my Bunghole

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I might as well write this as a full-fledged journal entry and not just leave it hidden in a comment in Citizen X's journal:

That reminds me that was going to write a journal entry upon returning from lunch on Monday. Similarly, I saw a vehicle (truck, instead of van) with a strange word printed on the side: WACKENHUT. The people I was with agreed that it was probably a security or construction company and was probably pronounced in a funny German accent: Vakenhoot. But we also all agreed that Whackin' Hut was equally funny, if not more — regardless of whether your mental image was pounding things with big sticks or choking the chicken. We were also trying to make some sort of Pizza Hut tie-in.

It was really funny on the same juvenile level as repeating aloud “Lake Titicaca.”

Posted in: Dear Diary Work

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